Cloudpick Moby Mart
Mobile smart store, easily relocate, quickly land in various outdoor scenes, achieve fast store opening

Innovate offline shopping experience with cashier-free checkout
Scan QR code/Swipe card to enter
No need to queue for manual checkout, no need to scan barcodes for self-checkout, AI camera recognition, pay directly when leaving the store
Customers can take or put the products back like shop in a regular store
Become a member as soon as you enter the store, 100% membership rate; Combined with customer full lifecycle management, carry out personalized, intelligent marketing; Integration of online and offline, achieving omnichannel sales
Automatic checkout when leaving
Unmanned, easily achieve 24h business; Real-time inventory, automatically procurement based on sales
Flexibly deploy smart stores with container-style solutions
Rapid opening
Support sea and land transport, support splicing multiple containers, easy installation and system tuning
Reduce costs
Unmanned cashier/attendance, easily achieve 24h business, saving 80% manpower compared to traditional stores
Improve efficiency
Automatic checkout, 3-5 times faster than manual, remote control, timely understand out-of-stock situation, precise restocking
Reduce theft
AI recognition system, order accuracy rate reaches 99.9%, timely push alert messages for abnormal situations
Increase sales
Big data analysis to optimize product selection and display, meet customer preferences, real-time personalized recommendations, stimulate potential shopping desire
" belongs to container-style automated stores, small enough, thus offering great flexibility in transportation, mobility, local deployment, easily placed in various corners of the campus."
Robert Ladek Schwartz Group Campus Service Center Project Leader